COVID policies of Lockdowns, forced masks, vaccination coercion and enforcement.
Trudeau announced, you may need full vaccination (with endless boosters planned, who knows what that means) to use “Non-Essential Services,” the Government’s First Minister stands before you all and tells you they are paying, with money taken from you, for services he thinks are non-Essential.
Who is asking, “why we are spending money on non-essential services?” Well, while most of these jokers and even voting public were not I was. Most of the Federal Government, when looked into, will look non-essential, at least Federally.
For decades we have heard this “non-essential” and “essential service” designations, and people let that crap slide. Conservative Governments (with or without Bernier) and Liberal ones, with all the opposition members and politicians.
Should be nervous when they’ve been considering you non-essential and been trying to pay you to not work or run your employment programs, called small/medium business.
Fact remains, it was bad before, you got realize it was the start of that slippery slope when you let them pay for stuff they can’t even justify as essential.
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Authorized By The Official Agent Of Gölök Z Buday