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Why Be So Insular About What We Prefer?


Don’t rub it into people’s face, but put it on a web page or something, fuck dating apps and sites. Full of grifters assuming desperation.
So DM people, e-mail people who do this, when you like what you see. Run your own personal interest page that’s true.
I didn’t like the idea of saying this stuff, I am extremely private, so weather and who I am doing this with stays private, weather or not I would or wouldn’t or am aroused or not about certain things isn’t, and it has to be that way, because if people don’t know, people who like it, they won’t seek you out.
There is more than mentioned, but that’s for personal discussion.

I don’t hit on anyone, I find it submissive and beta, in my view. Men were trained to do this, learning to sleep on the couch.
I am Bi.

Women: Fit, Cute, Sleek, thin bodies (not boney as hell), various skeletal, no specific color or eye shape. Dark hair and eyes. Sense of humor, brains. Obedience. Like owned. *Sometimes Blonde/Blues have exceptional looks and personality. Not much height limitations, I am quite over 6 feet.
Men: Fit Cute, thin twinks. No specific color. Dark Hair and Eyes. Obedient. Castrated literally. Not much height limitations, I am quite over 6 feet.
Trans: Male and Female standards apply to identification, Castration as well.

But really fuck tinder just DM/E-Mail people to hit on them, just don’t be a scam. Fuck all of that, if you want go for it, but take no for an answer.


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